I am very excited to announce that I have been given another opportunity,
although it is too early to discuss it, I feel that I will not have the time to
dedicated the amount of hours that I need to do both jobs correctly. Therefore
I have chosen to end my association with Tovrea Castle Society. I leave feeling
good about the past year. I feel that we have more than accomplished our goal
of setting up the training program, developing trainers, practice tours and
taking the society for five docents to close to 30. This is not my achievement
but the achievement of all of you. Only with your hard work and dedication and
by all of us pulling together were we able to achieve the many successes we
have over the past year. I have truly never worked with a more dedicated and
hard working group of people! You are all to be saluted for everything that you
bring to the table.
I also leave knowing that with the addition of the Tamera to the board and
the many hours that are given by the rest of one of the hardest working boards
I have ever seen (And Eileen Hayden too!), I leave you in the best hands and the
society will continue to move forward.
I have enjoyed working with each of you in the past months and know that all
of you will be very successful in all your coming endeavors.
The will be the final post of this docent blog site. Since this is a
personal blog, I do not feel it is proper for me to continue it. I do know that
the board is in the process of setting up the framework for a new blog. So
please look for that in the future.
Thank you for all that you do!